Monday, January 7, 2008

The Starter Post

Hello, Universe!
(OK, hello friends and family... because who the heck else would be reading this?? If you stumbled across this web page randomly, man, get the heck out of here and look at something more interesting.)

Yall know me as Jen Allen. Or if you met me more recently than June 2007, you know me as Jen Mierisch. Or if you know me from various other life incarnations, you may recall me as Jenny, Jenster, Jebblit, Henayfer, or even J-Lo (no, I am not a NewYorican married to Mark Anthony, but I am still Jenny from the block). I used to have a Friendster blog, but I never got into posting anything on it. I figured blogging was not for me, even though I write in my journal all the time. I am a fairly private person and have always felt a bit queasy at the idea of posting bits and pieces of my life and my brain out on the web for the entire universe to throw rocks at. But over the years, I have really enjoyed reading random people's blogs (like the hilarious Go Fug Yourself) and friends' and family member's blogs, as well as the tidbits and photos that people post on FaceBook. Blogs are a great way to stay posted on the experiences of friends and family who live far away. That, and I am ever more interested in songwriting, and what is songwriting except putting bits and pieces of your life and brain out there for the universe to throw rocks at? So I've decided to start my own blog and become part of the 21st century.

Today is Monday, January 7, 2008. To start out with, I'll post some older stuff that I wrote awhile back, just so y'all will have something to read while you're procrastinating at work (which you know you are). Then I'll update it on a totally irregular basis.

Off we go!

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